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Public Comments

People all over the world--from as close as Maryland to as far as New Zealand--expressed concerns about anti-Israel bias at the University of Maryland and consequent unfair treatment of Dr. Landa.
This is what they said...

Selected Comments from Academics

Edward S. Beck, Pennsylvania

As a retired professor, Professor Emeritus of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, and Associate Member of the Academic Engagement Network, I believe that (Dr.) Landa should not have been terminated...

University of New South Wales Professor Peter Sheldon., Australia

I want to see universities - and their faculty and students - free from the sorts of bigoted harassment and ritual humiliations that Dr. Landa has had to endure. It sounds like an academic version of Lord of the Flies! Dr. Landa's maltreatment reflects a pack-animal style imposition of a particular form of intolerance - hostility to Israel and to Jews who in any way  identify with Israel or actively being Jewish. It is a blight on your institution and I call on you to remedy it fully. 

Yale University Professor Daniel Prober, Connecticut

I have been a professor at Yale for over 4 decades, and the behavior of Prof. Landa's administrators is beyond bounds of proper faculty behavior. The situation must be rectified immediately. 

San Jose State University Professor Jonathan Roth, California

As Coordinator of the San Jose State University Jewish Studies Program, I am deeply disturbed at the facts surrounding Melissa Landa's termination...

James H., Maryland

I am a professor who is increasingly disturbed by the insistence of many of my colleagues on being not only critical of Israeli policies but also hostile to its very existence. The treatment of Melissa Landa is the tip of an iceberg in regard to how those who speak out against BDS are punished.

Oberlin College Professor Emeritus Sidney Rosenfeld, Ohio

Dismissing Melissa Landa was politically motivated and unjust. 

UMD Distinguished Professor Arthur Eckstein, Maryland

Melissa Landa has been a powerful positive force protecting Jewish students on this campus. 

UMD Professor Larry Weiss, Maryland

As a full time faculty member at the U of Maryland, I am embarrassed at how Prof Landa was treated. Those who treated her unfairly should be held accountable by the University. 

University of Gothenburg Professor Goran Larsson, Sweden

As a professor specializing in Ancient History and the history of antisemitism, I recognize several profoundly disturbing motifs of discrimination linked to antisemitism in this case. 

University of Illinois at Chicago Professor Peter B. Shalen, Illinois

I am a pro-Israel academic myself (an emeritus professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago), and I am aware of the danger of allowing anti-Israel faculty  to hurt the careers of their pro-Israel colleagues when their own biases influence what should be professional decisions. 


University of Toronto OISE Lecturer Emerita Joan O'Callaghan, Toronto

As an instructor emerita at the University of Toronto, I am appalled by the blatant bigotry and antisemitism of the University of Maryland. Shame on you! Shame and shame again!

Helen K., Israel

The fact that Professor Landa's views on BDS and Israel are in the minority at the U. of Maryland is an indictment of the University not of Professor Landa.

Selected Comments from the Public

Ben Zingman, Maryland

The wind of antisemitism requires only a small window to chill the minds and souls of students. The U of MD has thrown open that window...

Ed Greene, Rhode Island 

This is not how to treat someone who brings credit to your school. The University must right this now. 

Dale F. Appel, Massachusetts

I am appalled by the level of anti-Semitism in higher education today. Why does your school allow such clearly anti-Semitic actions? I will (ask) everyone I know who attended and who have children who attended the University of Maryland to cease donating to your school. 

Shula Kopf, Austria

Anti Semitic professors are allowed to flourish while those who are pro Israel are fired. This is outrageous. 

Laurie Joseph, Connecticut

I am sadly very familiar with the pernicious influence that anti-Zionism has had on the college campuses -- it has marginalized and alienated Jewish students and has silenced many faculty members who fear reprisal if they challenge the anti-Israel dogma. Prof. Landa is being penalized for having the integrity to speak out against anti-Zionism and the antisemitism that it so often engenders. That is unacceptable. The University needs to right this wrong, or it will be sending a message to other faculty and to its students that it is not safe to be pro-Israel on college campuses.

Saul Adelman, South Carolina

As a University CP (UMD, College Park) alumnus, I find the way that the way the University of Maryland treated Dr. Landa a disgrace. Dr. Wallace Loh should be fired as well as the other antisemites involved in this incident. 

Eli Kaminsky, Arizona

As a former professor of political science, I am very much aware of the need for academic freedom at universities. Just because a faculty member is in non-tenured position is no justification for discrimination on the basis of opinions.

Daniel Romano, Canada

At a time when antisemitism and unrestrained bias against Israel and its supporters  is spreading rampantly across U.S. campuses, it is a shame to see such retaliatory tactics against  one of the few courageous professors who actually speaks out against BDS. 

Kim Dickstein, New York

I am completely disgusted with the anti-Semitism masquerading its ugly head as anti-Zionism on college campuses. As a Jew in NY with college-age children, I will make it my business to spread the word about Univ of Maryland if they do not remedy this repulsive act of bias. 

Gary H., Pennsylvania

...My daughter is an alumni of Maryland and I, in the past, have routinely made a donation to the University -- I will reconsider that donation going forward.

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