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Our Fight Against Injustice and Anti-Semitism at the University of Maryland

Dr. Landa talks about her case.

Professor Melissa Landa had just won an award for her research and published two academic articles and a book when she was abruptly removed from her full-time Assistant Clinical Faculty position at the University of Maryland (UMD).

Melissa never encountered any difficulties at UMD until she publicly voiced her support of Israel and established a media presence opposing BDS. Once she did, she began to face hostility and punitive actions.

Melissa was a courageous and outspoken advocate all "minority" students facing discrimination. The Louis Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law describes Melissa as a "stalwart champion of the Jewish people and a courageous anti-racism activist."

Melissa has been engaged in her struggle with UMD for a year already and needs our support to continue. 

We must come together to send a powerful message that we will not tolerate discrimination against Jewish professors who publicly support Israel.

We must confront the University of Maryland administration and demand reparations for Dr. Landa.

We must send a warning to other universities so that no other Jewish professor will endure this kind of discrimination.

To show your support for Dr. Landa please:

  • Donate to Dr. Landa's legal fund,

  • Sign her petition to the University System of Maryland Board of Regents, President Loh, and Dean Rice,

  • Contact UMD administration to express your disapproval:


  • Office of the Board of Regents University System of Maryland

Dr. Landa presenting at the symposium on civil discourse on campus.

Melissa Landa volunteering in the IDF through "Volunteers for Israel."

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Our Common Fight

Your support is an investment in our collective struggle against anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism in American academia. The outcome of Dr. Landa's case will set an important precedent for the future of Jewish professors and Jewish students who are already facing intimidation for their public support of Israel.

Melissa's fight is our fight. It is a fight for anyone who is concerned about the growth of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism in academia; for Jewish students in college; and for those with children/grandchildren in an American college or university.


Dr. Landa has received strong support from people all over the world and across the United States, including such well-known figures as Professor Alan Dershowitz , a scholar of US constitutional law and criminal law and a leading defender of civil liberties. 

Above: Dr. Landa appears on "One on One With Alan Dershowitz" to discuss her termination. 


Dr. Melissa Landa is a respected academic with a long and distinguished career. She collaborated with numerous colleagues for over 10 years and was consistently getting recognized for her work.  


Her difficulties at work only began after she became active in fighting against anti-Semitism and BDS at Oberlin College, where she helped to expose the hateful words of Professor Joy Karega.

Despite Professor Landa’s dedication to her students, her award-winning performance, and her numerous publications, she was targeted and ostracized by the administrators in the College of Education at the University of Maryland immediately following her public strong support of Israel. 


When she tried to create a partnership with an Israeli college of education, Dr. John O'Flahavan reassigned her and prevented that partnership. He removed Melissa from a course she had taught for over a decade, and replaced her with Margaret Peterson, a faculty member of only three years. 

Dr. Melissa Landa filed a Faculty Grievance against Dr. Francine Hultgren and Dr. John O’Flahavan (respective Chair and Associate Chair of the Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership), who ignored the recommendations of the Grievance Hearing Board to reinstate her to her position.


Instead, they terminated her employment.


Dr. Landa has been forced to take her case to court. However, suing a large, wealthy University to demand justice and to ensure fairness to all pro-Israel voices in academia is an expensive undertaking.  Dr. Landa and her supporters are trying to raise money for an attorney to argue her case.

Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership

Dr. Francine Hultgren


Dr. John O'Flahavan

Associate Chair

Dr. Jennifer King Rice


Dr. Margaret Polizos Peterson

Assistant Clinical Professor

  © 2018 by Supporters of Melissa Landa's Fight for Justice!  

Webmaster: Victor Muslin

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